Neutron beams

ISIS: Rapid access upon re-opening
Building on detailed atomic structural information from the research community,nthe application of neutron techniques is capable of providing unique insights, particularly in relation to the fundamental understanding and benchmarking of COVID-19 diagnosis and therapeutics development stages. The ISIS Neutron & Muon Source has rapid and flexible access mechanisms in operation routinely which will enable to these research tools and capabilities to be available for the international research effort upon the earliest resumption of operations.

ILL: Rapid access to beam time
The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), plans to run 2 more cycles in 2020 which will constitute a significant opportunity to perform early research related to Covid-19 on many of our neutron scattering instruments. In addition to the instruments, there is access to deuteration facilities and shared biology and soft matter facilities with partner institutes on the EPN campus - the ESRF, EMBL and IBS. For rapid access to beam time, Director's Discretionary Time (for full experiments) and Easy Access (for short measurements) should be used.

JCNS: Rapid access to beam time
In order to contribute to the research on the corona virus SARS-CoV-2, JCNS has decided to offer its instruments via a special proposal round with privileged access, giving them priority over all other applications for beam time. All interested scientists are kindly invited to submit their experiment proposal to the JCNS User Office per email without any pre-defined template and without any deadline. Submitted proposals will be assessed as soon as possible to ensure access to the instrument during the next reactor cycle planned between May 5 and June 3, 2020.

BNC: Rapid access to neutron beam time
Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) announced that the beamline proposal deadline for the 2020 autumn cycles has been postponed until 15 May. However, rapid access proposals are still being accepted, where priority access will be given to projects related to the fight against the CoVid-19 pandemic. Email communication of the users with the BNC user office and with the instrument staff is encouraged via addresses available on the BNC website. The reactor is presently scheduled to restart on 11 May, and priority measurements will be performed as the actual state regulations allow the staff, users and reactor to be back in operation.

PSI-SLS: Priority access to beamtime
Following the Swiss and international recommendations to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 disease, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is in limited operation until April 19. Swiss Light Source (SLS) is in limited operation and offers Priority access call for work on combating COVID-19.

MLZ: Rapid access to measurements with neutrons
Researchers worldwide are trying to develop drugs or a vaccine against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In view of the corona pandemic, the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) offers special access to measurements with neutrons, which can provide important insights into the behaviour of the virus. Scientists who want to use neutrons to study the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 or the disease COVID-19 will have special and privileged access, and do not have to apply for measurement time through the usual channels. Guest scientists should contact the user office directly with their applications for measurement time. A scientific evaluation of the application will then take place as soon as possible.