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ALBA Synchrotron: Rapid access to beamlines
ALBA Synchrotron assigns high priority to the projects related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The operations have stopped until 25 April, but the call is open, the proposals will be processed, and beam time will be provided as soon as it will be available. A “COVID-19 Rapid Access” call has been established, valid through the year 2020. Quick peer and safety review will be applied to the received proposals.

BNC: Rapid access to neutron beam time
Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) announced that the beamline proposal deadline for the 2020 autumn cycles has been postponed until 15 May. However, rapid access proposals are still being accepted, where priority access will be given to projects related to the fight against the CoVid-19 pandemic. Email communication of the users with the BNC user office and with the instrument staff is encouraged via addresses available on the BNC website. The reactor is presently scheduled to restart on 11 May, and priority measurements will be performed as the actual state regulations allow the staff, users and reactor to be back in operation.

BSL3: Access to high containment lab facilities
The BSL3 in Rotterdam, was founded to accommodate safe research on infectious diseases, such as COVID-19. The BSL3 research lab facility in Rotterdam was designed to operate according to the highest international biosafety and biosecurity standards, and to facilitate research to multiple teams simultaneously, thus providing unique opportunities for collaborative COVID-19 research using a variety of research modalities including high end instruments for experiments and analyses, in vivo (animals) and in vitro.

CATPRO: Experimental chemical facilities
CATPRO (Efficient Use of Energy Resources Using Catalytic Processes), a research infrastructure newly built within the UniCRE research and development centre, is focused on experimental chemistry with specialization on transfer of laboratory scientific research to industry. Implementation measures are using sophisticated pilot and test equipment. CATPRO has the potential, in the context of the events that are happening regarding the spread of Covid-19, to contribute to the use of experimental research pilot chemical facilities in developing means to mitigate the Covid-19 outbreak.

CCP: Priority access to Covid-19 research projects
Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP) generates rodent models related to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the Covid-19 virus infection (e.g. several serine protease mouse mutant lines). Available resources, services and support include generation of rodent disease models relevant for Covid-19 research, standard cryopreservation and archiving services, advanced secondary phenotyping pipelines relevant to lung inflammation and fibrosis, pre-clinical testing, metabolomics and MALDI imaging from tissue samples and biopsies. Project proposals can be submitted by email, and will be evaluated and conducted with the highest priority.
CCP is a member of INFRAFRONTIER and due to the comprehensive portfolio of its expertise, it has also become a member of international consortium IMPC.

CIEMAT-PSA: Facilities for water analysis and disinfection
The Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA), a dependency of CIEMAT, incorporates a fully equipped laboratory of water sample analysis, with a microbiology laboratory specialized in water disinfection provided also with DNA analysis by Real time PCR. The CIEMAT-PSA is not operating at this moment, however it will be in a short notice.

CIISB: Priority access to structural biology services
CIISB (Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology) offers priority access to research groups, which need to use the CIISB structural biology services for R&D projects directly related to the studies of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and projects aiming to develop an effective vaccine and/or treatment of Covid-19 disease. To request the priority access, please submit the research proposal with "COVID-19" in the title through the online application system. Successfully accepted proposals will be free of charge, and no financial contribution will be requested for the measurement and provided services.

CNH2: Rapid access to facilities for PPE production
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Hydrogen Centre (CNH2) provides rapid access to laboratories and services, such as laser cutting machines, 3D printers and machining centres. Moreover, CNH2 has already produced more than 1 ton of hydrogel and 150 masks for local distribution. Relevant proposals and requests can be submitted via email, through the dedicated webpage (Spanish).

CRESCO6: Free access to high-performance computers
The Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), in order to contribute to research on COVID-19, makes its high-performance computing infrastructure HPC CRESCO6 available - free-of-charge access - to the entire scientific community involved in research activities and application projects for the coronavirus emergency.

CZ-OPENSCREEN: Coronavirus sample testing and database
The National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology (CZ-OPENSCREEN), Czech node to EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC, hosted by the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, plans to test up to 1,000 samples per day. CZ-OPENSCREEN focuses on the identification of new molecular probes and tools for research and validation of compounds suitable for the development of new drugs. The team has also developed the internal database CORONAbase, to register samples and to transform all the appropriate personal data to an electronic version. CZ-OPENSCREEN is sharing the know-how of high-throughput workflow for RNA isolation and preparation of RT-qPCR reactions, as well as the CORONAbase, with other academic institutions involved in Covid-19 testing, in order to improve their testing services and standards.

Czech BioImaging: Open Access support
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Research Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging (Czech-BioImaging), as the Czech national node to the Euro-BioImaging ERIC pan-European network, offers prioritised access to Czech-BioImaging facilities with no fees attached for COVID-19 relevant scientific projects, selected for implementation within the ongoing call for the Czech-BioImaging Open Access support (July 2020 – June 2021). Deadline for submitting applications is 30th April 2020. More information and the application rules can be found at Czech-BioImaging website.

CzechNanoLab: Nanostructures and nanomaterials services
CzechNanoLab provides open access to the equipment and services in nanotechnology and materials science. The services provided include testing of personal protective equipment (PPE) made of nanomaterials, e.g. analysis of nanofibre filters, chemical analysis of active nanoparticles etc. CzechNanoLab capacities are also offered for the synthesis of magnetic beads used in tests for SARS-CoV-2 presence. Moreover, a priority cost-free access for projects directly related to the research of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (e.g. development of microfluidic chips for RNA sequencing)will be provided. CzechNanoLab consists of two sites, the CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure (Brno), and the Laboratory of Nanostructures and Nanomaterials (LNSM, Prague).
CzechNanoLab is involved in pan-European research infrastructure EuroNanoLab, which is focused on nanofabrication technologies.

CZECRIN: support for COVID-19 clinical studies
The Czech National Node to the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (CZECRIN) offers its support, services and expertise to all research-oriented physicians, with the aim of involving its forces in quick access to initiate national and especially transnational clinical trials. CZECRIN launched a dedicated website (available in Czech), to inform not only the professional, but also the non-expert public, about all ongoing and planned activities towards clinical research. Moreover, the NATIONAL CTUs NETWORK, a unit of CZECRIN, has been mapping the interest of healthcare facilities participating in the individual clinical trials focusing on the treatment of patients with the COVID-19 disease, which can be found on this website. In addition, the RI initiated the international study CZECRIN COVID-19, in collaboration with the Slovak SLOVACRIN network, aimed at evaluating the efficacy and safety of the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in hospitalized patients with acute respiratory impairment requiring oxygen therapy. Furthermore, CZECRIN will offer research capacity and administrative support to other facilities to battle COVID-19.

DeiC: Data storage and cloud resources
With the current COVID-19 situation, there is need for international cooperation on sharing information and making data available to research that that can contribute to alleviate the impacts of COVID-19 on citizens, healthcare systems and society. The University of Copenhagen/The Technical University of Denmark can make cloud resources, data storage space, etc. available as a flexible secure private cloud setup at Computerome. This also includes a data-lake facility, which can handle different data sets and types and the required storage space. This includes epidemiological information and sequencing data.

e-INFRA CZ: Data and computation services
In the light of the current events regarding the spread of new strain of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 disease, Czech e-infrastructure e-INFRA CZ offers priority access to resources and services for projects focused on mitigating the pandemic spread. For these purposes, e-INFRA CZ offers services and knowledge in the areas of remote collaboration, computation, data storage, and computer networking.

ELECMI: Rapid access to microscopy facilities
In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, the Integrated Infrastructure for Electron Microscopy of Materials (ELECMI) provides rapid access to various instruments (HRTEM, including STEM, SEM, Cryogenic Dual Beam instrument, and associated techniques) for studies on materials characterisation, such as the analysis of textiles for Personal Protective Equipment or particles from filters.

ELI Beamlines: Fast track access for coronavirus-related research
The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI Beamlines) offers rapid access to the experimental cluster for advanced ultrafast optical spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, to support the investigation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus characteristics and the development of possible vaccine and treatments. More information about the ELI Beamlines scientific cluster can be found here. Proposals and experiments will be supported by Research Programme 4 for Applications in Molecular, Bio-medical and Material Science, jointly with the ELIBIO Project teams. More information on available support (bio and bio-chemical) labs is available here.

ELIXIR-CZ: Life science data services
The Czech National Infrastructure for Biological Data (ELIXIR-CZ) provides a research infrastructure for the storage, processing and analysing data in the field of life sciences. ELIXIR-CZ has launched a website dedicated to COVID-19, where experts and the general public can find information on activities related to the fight against COVID-19. The website provides recommendations for data storage and sharing and the information on access to relevant data. ELIXIR-CZ specifically provides assistance in setting up the FAIR data principles, special software and analytics tools, and computing resources to help analyse data sets.

Fablab Mons: Free protective visors for medical staff
In coordination with the FabLabs of Wallonia, the FabLab Mons has been involved since the beginning of the epidemic in the development and production of solutions to fight Covid-19 and thus help healthcare professionals who are on the front line. More than 6,000 of protective visors have been produced to date and are intended for the medical professionals, firemen, policemen etc. The aim of these visors is to extend the life of the masks by avoiding projections. This project is possible with the help of volunteers and the support of UMONS, Fund for Medical Research in Hainaut (FRMH) and the FEDER.

FAIR/GSI COVID-19 related activities
The GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research develops innovative research strategies to support the fight against the current COVID-19 pandemic. The Biophysics Department plans to inactivate the virus with high-energy heavy ions in order to develop vaccines in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI). In addition, the therapeutic effect of low-dose radiation against pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 is currently being investigated. The Materials Research Department is working on membranes made of nanopores for improved and fast virus detection and for the development of tailored membranes for viral filtration masks.

GENCI: High performance computing and storage facilites
GENCI, the French HPC agency, is providing its HPC (high performance computing) and storage facilites (located into 3 national centers: TGCC for CEA, IDRIS for CNRS and CINES for French Universities), as well as the user support resources to researchers from academia and industry working on COVID-19. Such supercomputers are used to accelerate modelisation/simulation workloads, post-processing of massive amount of data and use at scale of artificial intelligence. Already 15 projects have been benefited from such fast track, in the fields of massive docking, development of vaccines and therapies, epidemiological research on the spread of the virus, and related applications.

GenomePT: NGS methods to monitor COVID-19
GenomePortugal is a distributed genome sequencing and analysis Research Infrastructure for basic/applied genome research and advanced services, which congregates researchers and technical personnel from 11 national research centers and has the technological capacity and expertise to sequence and analyze complex genomes. GenomePT is engaged in the development of NGS methods to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and sequence the SARS-Cov-2 genome at the population level to identify new mutations and determine the penetrance of specific viral strains in the population. GenomePT welcomes collaboration requests from European partners in these endeavors, and is keen to share data, protocols and materials to support the fight against COVID-19.

GSI/FAIR researchers in the battle against COVID-19
The GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (GSI/FAIR) develops innovative research strategies to support the fight against the current COVID-19 pandemic. The Biophysics Department plans to inactivate the virus with high-energy heavy ions in order to develop vaccines in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI). In addition, the therapeutic effect of low-dose radiation against pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 is currently being investigated. The Materials Research Department is working on membranes made of nanopores for improved and fast virus detection and for the development of tailored membranes for viral filtration masks.

Health-RI: Dutch Research Data Support Programme
Health-RI, the Dutch national initiative to facilitate and stimulate an integrated health data infrastructure, launched the Dutch Covid-19 Research Data Support Programme, to support investigators and health care professionals with tools and services in their search for ways to overcome the pandemic and its health consequences. It will do so by connecting communities, providing data services and tools and presenting an overview of COVID-19 related initiatives.

INCDSB: Biomedical services for COVID-19 testing
The PCR-RT capabilities of the Romanian National Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB) - member of the ESFRI Consortium DANUBIUS-RI - as part of the global efforts to fight against COVID -19, has made available the services for the Coronavirus testing and is now very actively cooperating with the Romanian Government in the testing campaign at national level. INCDSB is actively supporting Romanian Government with trained personnel, logistics and infrastructure (several devices and a laboratory of cell cultures with expertise in cytotoxicity testing of medical devices).

INCT: Insights in radiation sterilization
With the unprecedented pressure on the supply of PPE, medical devices and laboratory supplies created by the COVID19 pandemic, radiation sterilization is now investigated as a possibility. The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) operates six electron accelerators in the frame of the RAPID infrastructure, which includes one installation designed for R&D and mass sterilization of a wide range of disposable medical devices, including personal protective equipment (PPE) and tissue allografts. INCT is studying a case with national sanitary authorities to find effective methods of dealing with currently threatening Sars-Cov-2 and other pathogens that may appear in the future. Coronaviruses are RNA viruses very sensitive to ionizing radiation and can be deactivated by electron beam, X-rays or gamma rays, but the data for COVID-19 are still not sufficient. The global actions and joined research are needed to gain knowledge of all aspects of emerging disease, thus all comments or information about similar activities are welcome (contact Prof. Chmielewski via email).

IRTA-CReSA: Preclinical research facilities
IRTA-CReSA is a public research institute devoted to research in animal health following the One Health concept. In the context of COVID-19 crisis, the BSL3 large animal and laboratory facilities can support SARS-CoV-2 isolation, in vitro studies of anti-viral and antibody efficacy, in vivo studies of anti-viral, antibody and vaccine efficacy (once hACE2 transgenic mice become available), antiviral, antibody and vaccine research, and animal infection model development.

ISIS: Rapid access upon re-opening
Building on detailed atomic structural information from the research community,nthe application of neutron techniques is capable of providing unique insights, particularly in relation to the fundamental understanding and benchmarking of COVID-19 diagnosis and therapeutics development stages. The ISIS Neutron & Muon Source has rapid and flexible access mechanisms in operation routinely which will enable to these research tools and capabilities to be available for the international research effort upon the earliest resumption of operations.

IT4Innovations: Access to computational resources
IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre at VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava has offered its users from academic institutions priority access to its computational resources to solve problems regarding the Covid-19 disease research. Applicants focused on mitigating the coronavirus spread may submit the project proposals within the "Director’s Discretion scheme". Applications will be approved immediately and given significantly higher priority to use the IT4Innovations computational resources.

JCNS: Rapid access to beam time
In order to contribute to the research on the corona virus SARS-CoV-2, JCNS has decided to offer its instruments via a special proposal round with privileged access, giving them priority over all other applications for beam time. All interested scientists are kindly invited to submit their experiment proposal to the JCNS User Office per email without any pre-defined template and without any deadline. Submitted proposals will be assessed as soon as possible to ensure access to the instrument during the next reactor cycle planned between May 5 and June 3, 2020.

KM3NeT-LNS: Functional testing of fabrics for PPE
The hosting laboratory of the KM3NeT Infrastructure"Laboratori Nazionali del Sud" (LNS) of INFN, in collaboration with the University of Catania, has realized a laboratory for the verification of the functional qualities of fabrics intended for the manufacture of masks and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the prevention of contagion in the COVID-19 emergency. The ANTI_COVID-LAB laboratory will provide technical-scientific assistance to companies that may request to test fabrics to make masks and other medical devices according to the standards set by current regulations, by performing the characterization of the materials, their morphological analysis and will study the capability of the tissues to prevent the virus diffusion.

LAPP: MUST data centre computational and storage capacities
The Particle Physics Laboratory of Annecy (LAPP), a joint research unit of CNRS and Savoie Mont-Blanc University, provides all the possible computational and storage support to the CNRS biologists with its MUST data centre, to contribute in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. Exceptionally, LAPP will offer special access to its MUST data centre for important insights into the behaviour of the virus. The computing power of MUST will be used for in-silico screening to select from a database of several million molecules, those that meet very precise specifications and that could attack some major COVID-19 enzymes responsible for the replication of the virus RNA in the human host cell.

LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: Computing cluster capacities
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ and its host institution – the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague – offers its computing cluster capacity for research computation devoted to fight the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and Covid-19 disease, in the amount of ~1000 CPUs, for the period of three months, starting 1st April 2020. More information on how to apply for an account and quota on the cluster, plus a technical description of the capabilities of the cluster, how to run jobs, transfer data etc., can be found here. Please note that decisions to allow access will be made at the discretion of the research infrastructure management and mainly on first-come first-serve basis if fulfilling the above criteria.
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ is a joint distributed Czech national node of the pan-European CLARIN ERIC (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) and DARIAH ERIC (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) networks.

LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: Natural language Processing services
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ and its host institution – the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague - offers access to the Natural Language Processing services, for research devoted to fight the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and Covid-19 disease, for a time span of three months, starting 1st April 2020. Most of these services can be accessed through a REST API, without any authentication and/or authorization. The APIs allow to use the NLP tools directly from code or scripts, automating tasks such as analysis of social media posts in 80+ languages (cf. the tool "UDPipe"), translation to and from English to and from several EU languages and similar services.
Main contact: Jan Hajič – contact via email, Technical support: Milan Fučik – contact via email
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ is a joint distributed Czech national node of the pan-European CLARIN ERIC (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) and DARIAH ERIC (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) networks.

LIR: Research on COVID-19 impact on mental health
The Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research (LIR) provides a wide range resources and information about how to psychologically deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and how to stay mentally healthy, and participates in number of relative research studies. Amongst them, the large multilingual study DynaCORE-C and its longitudinal arm DynaCORE-L, which examine the psychological responses to the COVID-19 pandemic using anonymous online surveys. Other related studies, available only in German, include LORA-COVID, COSMO-Panel, COVID-19-Intensiv, and the upcoming online-training study Auf Kurs Bleiben (Stay on track).

MIRRI: Active development of diagnostic tests
The Microbial Research Resource Infrastructure (MIRRI) covers different European Biological Resource Centres. Within the French node of MIRRI, one of the units of the Centre de Resources Biologiques de l'Institut Pasteur (CRBIP), namely the biobank of human samples (ICAReB), is actively working in relation to the SARS-CoV2 outbreak. They are receiving hundreds of blood samples per day from different geographical areas and institutions in France. These samples are prepared, cryopreserved and distributed to Pasteurian researchers developing novel diagnostic tests, specifically serological tests.

MLZ: Rapid access to measurements with neutrons
Researchers worldwide are trying to develop drugs or a vaccine against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In view of the corona pandemic, the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) offers special access to measurements with neutrons, which can provide important insights into the behaviour of the virus. Scientists who want to use neutrons to study the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 or the disease COVID-19 will have special and privileged access, and do not have to apply for measurement time through the usual channels. Guest scientists should contact the user office directly with their applications for measurement time. A scientific evaluation of the application will then take place as soon as possible.

NANBIOSIS: Rapid access for biomedical product development
The Infrastructure for the Production and Characterization of Nanomaterials, Biomaterials and Systems in Biomedicine (NANBIOSIS) provides rapid access for COVID-19 research. It offers preclinical stages services of biomedical product development. Specifically, synthesis and preparation of biomolecules like antibodies, peptides, recombinant proteins, oligonucleotides for diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

ODISSEI: Research on COVID-19 social impact
The Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations Dutch (ODISSEI) brings together researchers with the necessary data, expertise and resources to conduct ground-breaking research and embrace the computational turn in social enquiry. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ODISSEI has granted two data proposals, by awarding time on the LISS data panel for corona-related research into home-schooling (Dr. Thijs Bol, University of Amsterdam) and the distribution of care responsibilities (Dr. Mara A. Yerkes, Utrecht University).

PSI-SLS: Priority access to beamtime
Following the Swiss and international recommendations to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 disease, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is in limited operation until April 19. Swiss Light Source (SLS) is in limited operation and offers Priority access call for work on combating COVID-19.

RECETOX: Virtual drug screening software
RECETOX RI supports the Government of Czechia in managing the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19 by analysing, interpreting and modelling the available population data needed for development of population-protecting strategies and IT tools. RECETOX RI is also fighting the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19 by the virtual screening. The in-house software tool CaverDock can be applied for virtual screening of potential drugs against protein targets identified in the context of coronavirus pandemic. CaverDock has been developed during the last four years and is publicly available via the website.

SIB: Bioinformatics data services and analysis tools
The SIB Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics, Swiss node of ELIXIR and a partner of EMBL-EBI, undertakes a wide range of initiatives against SARS-Cov-2, providing data services and analysis tools that can help researchers answer the following questions:
- From where did the new coronavirus arise, and how did it move to humans?
- How is it spreading and evolving?
- How can we develop therapies to treat it?

SSH COVID-19: A portal for Dutch Social Sciences and Humanities
The SSH COVID-19 portal, the expert portal for Dutch Social Sciences and Humanities, aims to consolidate and organize the SSH expertise across the Dutch universities in a publicly available national portal, ensuring fast and direct access to academic experts.

Web-Survey: Living and Working in Coronavirus Times
The WageIndicator Foundation, a CLARIN ERIC collaborator, has launched a web survey "Living and Working in Coronavirus Times" in 140 countries in the national languages of these countries to discover what the Corona virus lockdown makes easier or tougher, and how the COVID-19 affects people's jobs, lives and mood. The data of the survey is freely available for non-commercial research, at the IDSC Research Data Center of IZA - Institute of Labor Economics, Bonn.
European RIs vs COVID-19
We are currently experiencing a public health crisis unprecedented in the modern European history of the last decades. As thousands of European citizens are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 every day and the number of casualties is increasing rapidly, Europe needs a coordinated effort of all available knowledge and resources to fight the pandemic.
ESFRI believes that the opportunities provided by European Research Infrastructures to support the science-led response to the COVID-19 outbreak are extremely important. ESFRI is helping the scientific community by aggregating information about dedicated services offered by Research Infrastructures and communicating all relevant actions as broadly as possible. To this end, ESFRI has created this focused webpage that lists and provides quick links to the information gathered.
This page will be updated regularly, as more information becomes available from all over Europe. We would like also like to invite all national & European Research Infrastructures to provide any information on their COVID-19 related activities and services in order to be added to this page.
Please use covid-19@esfri.eu and esfri@ec.europa.eu for any communication.
ESFRI Chair, Jan Hrusak, and the Executive Board of the Forum would like to express their sincere thanks to all Research Infrastructures for their eager response to this urgent call for information and for their overall motivation to provide their best services for this fight.
#ERAvsCorona Action Plan
This ESFRI initiative feeds into a larger set of coordinated R&I actions at EU level presented in the ERA vs. Corona Action Plan. The Action Plan sets out key measures to coordinate, share, and increase support for R&I.
In particular, for Research Infrastructures, funds are being added and re-oriented to support RI projects providing services and activities in response to the Coronavirus outbreak. In order to share research data, a European data exchange platform for Coronavirus is also being established in the framework of the European Open Science Cloud.