25.01.2022 to 26.01.2022

The 3rd Workshop on the connection of ESFRI Research Infrastructures (RIs) to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) titled "3rd ESFRI RIs -EOSC Workshop: What does EOSC bring to RI users?" took place on 25 & 26 January 2022, as an Online Event. 

Watch the video recording

The main objective of the workshop is to bring together ESFRI, ESFRI RIs and EOSC stakeholders, in order to showcase and better comprehend the EOSC concept, including the Open Science and “FAIR” policy agenda, and the vision for the future, along with the EOSC value proposition for its users, and ensure an optimal federation of clusters and RIs with EOSC. The event will focus on the current state of EOSC and how the thematic RIs and ESFRI clusters fit into the developing landscape, including the partnership with the newly established EOSC Association. 

The workshop is organised by the ESFRI Task Force on EOSC and the StR-ESFRI2 Project, in close cooperation with ESFRI and the EC, and with participation from the EOSC Cluster projects, the EOSC Association Board of Directors, and the EOSC Future project.  


For more information on the outcomes of the 2nd ESFRI RIs-EOSC Workshop (Online, 6 & 7.10.2020), please click here.

Main Concepts

The main focus of the 3rd workshop is on how the RI communities and researchers can use and benefit from EOSC, getting added value. Besides the general benefits of EOSC towards open science and “FAIRification” of data and services, it is considered that the daily use of EOSC Exchange and concrete tools by the RI users for intra and interdisciplinary research will also greatly benefit EOSC, in becoming useful and effective, contributing towards its sustainability.

There are two main elements in the connection of RIs to EOSC: RIs as data producers/service providers (offering data/services to EOSC) and RIs as users of generic (non-thematic) EOSC services (consuming services from the EOSC Core and the integrated projects such as EOSC Future). In an effort to shift attention towards the (required) added value of EOSC for the RI communities and end users, this workshop will focus mainly on the second element.

To this aim, some of the points that will be highlighted during this workshop are:

  • The connection of RIs to EOSC, both ESFRI and other world-class RIs
  • The added value of EOSC for the RI communities and end users. I.e., what does EOSC bring to (users of) international RIs
  • Bringing international RIs up to speed on Open Science and the FAIR policy agenda, including concrete paradigms from young researchers presenting their work on Open Science and FAIR data, with possible achievements, may have positive effects on high-level RI/lab managers.
  • The co-creation between providers and users of the EOSC vision, in terms of service portfolio for the users


The main objective of the workshop is to bring together ESFRI, ESFRI RIs and EOSC stakeholders, in order to showcase and better comprehend the EOSC concept and value proposition for its users, and ensure an optimal federation of ESFRI clusters / RIs with EOSC.

Present the current state of EOSC and see how the thematic RIs/ESFRI clusters fit into the developing landscape, including the tri-party partnership with the new legal entity (EOSC Association) and its Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda (SRIA). Convey ESFRI RIs/Clusters/ and ESFRI Task Force on EOSC positions into shaping EOSC:

Present the EOSC latest documents and the outcome of their consultations:

​Showcase how world-class RIs and Clusters are engaged with EOSC, whose evolving requirements both as part of the EOSC-Exchange and EOSC-Core need to be treated in higher priority in the second phase of EOSC, and the added-value for its users with concrete use cases, good practices and approaches for federating thematic resources into EOSC – around 3 main areas:

  • Thematic Clusters/RI data and tools
  • Generic (non-thematic) federated e-Infrastructure resources uptake 
  • Open Science and FAIR data sharing within and across domains (including concrete examples/ achievements from young scientists)

Present the current status of EOSC implementation and latest plans and outputs of e-Infrastructure/EOSC providers (including EOSC Future):

  • Engagement of users in shaping EOSC (e.g. EOSC Future and RDA User Groups)
  • Resources and services/tools for thematic providers and end users (network, computing, data, middleware/other services)
  • Developments around incentives and policies on open and FAIR Data & Services, their sharing and towards a cultural change, and work on skills 

Reflect from the users’ perspective on the status, outputs and discussions in the EOSC Association WGs/TFs, with focus on the Researcher Engagement and Adoption Task Force of the EOSC Association Implementation Advisory Group.


3rd ESFRI RIs -EOSC Workshop: What does EOSC bring to RI users?
Moderation: Mirjam van Daalen, Paul Scherrer Institute & ESFRI Task Force (TF) on EOSC Chair

Day 1 - Tuesday, 25 January 2022 (All times are CET)
Session 1 - Scope, EOSC current state and the EOSC Association, Chair: Jana Kolar, ESFRI Chair Watch the recording
  • ESFRI and the EOSC in the renewed ERA, Anna Panagopoulou, DG RTD, European Commission 
  • Introduction- Scope, Mirjam van Daalen, Paul Scherrer Institute & ESFRI Task Force (TF) on EOSC Chair Download the presentation
  • The EOSC Association and its Working Groups and Task Forces, Ute Gunsenheimer, EOSC-Association (EOSC-A) Secretary General Download the presentation




Session 2 - EOSC: Researcher Engagement and Adoption, Chair: Suzanne Dumouchel, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) & EOSC-A Director Watch the recording
  • The EOSC-A Task Force on Researcher Engagement and Adoption, Sverker Holmgren, Chalmers University of Technology, TF Chair Download the presentation
  • The role of Young Researchers in Open Science, FAIR and the adoption of EOSC, Zoe Cournia, Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens Download the presentation
  • Young Researchers’ achievements on Open Science, FAIR and EOSC adoption 
    • ​Achievement on Open Science/FAIR, Anne Fouilloux, University of Oslo Watch the RELIANCE demo | Related resources
    • Achievement on Open Science/FAIR, Petr Čermák, Materials Growth and Measurement Laboratory (MGML), Czech Charles University Download the presentation
    • Training for users’ onboarding, Francesca Di Donato, Italian National Research Council (CNR) & TRIPLE project Did not present

Q&A - Summary of key points


Lunch Break

Session 3 - The EOSC added value for the thematic communities - How can RI end users benefit from EOSC - Chair: Sara Garavelli, CSC-IT Center for Science & EOSC-A Director Watch the recording
Showcase from world-class RIs and clusters the EOSC concept and added value for its users with the overall vision towards end users, the current state of implementation, concrete use cases, good practices and approaches for federating thematic resources into EOSC around 4 main areas: 
- Thematic Clusters/RI data and tools
- Federated e-Infrastructure resources uptake 
- Open Science and FAIR data sharing within and across domains
- Policies towards a cultural change and work on skills
  • EOSC services for the users: A vision for the future, co-designed between providers and users, Yannis Ioannidis, University of Athens & Athena Research Centre, EOSC Future coordinator – (interconnecting all the pieces/interfaces at EU/ thematic/ regional levels for the benefit of users) Download the presentation
  • The current state of EOSC implementation facing users - how to reach the vision, Sara Jones, GEANT & EOSC-A director – (starting simple from data search, data catalogues, data management and transfer tools, common identification and access to resources (AAI), and developing further) Download the presentation
  • The EOSC Science Clusters perspective: Clusters contributions to EOSC, Ari Asmi, University of Helsinki & ENVRI Science Cluster Download the presentation
  • Concrete use cases 
    • Use case 1: EOSC added value for RIs: The Covid-19 platform and BY-COVID project: Data interoperability across multiple disciplines, Niklas Blomberg, ELIXIR Download the presentation 
    • Use case 2: EOSC added value from a regional project– EOSC NI4OS community tools, Eleni Toli, ATHENA Research Centre Download the presentation
    • Use case 3: EOSC added value for a thematic application – The FNS Cloud catalogue, Karl Presser, Premotec-FNS Cloud Download the presentation

Q&A - Summary of key points


Coffee Break

Session 4 - Feedback panel for users (Sessions 2-3): EOSC Added value for end users - Views on how the RI community can benefit from EOSC: EOSC developers, policy makers and funders face the users, Chair: Kostas Glinos, DG RTD, European Commission Watch the recording
Format: Plenary with panel discussion and interactive tools for feedback.
Panel:  Suzanne Dumouchel, Sverker Holmgren, Yannis Ioannidis, Sara Jones, Ari Asmi, Petr Čermák, Anne Fouilloux
Feedback from the users on how to best ensure that the RI community and the actual end users can benefit from EOSC
  • Introduction of the session by Kostas Glinos 
  • Feedback via on-line tools: a set of pre-defined questions* (see at the bottom of the page) are submitted via on-line tools to both the audience and the panel. 
  • Open discussion session: Users pose questions directly to panelists
  • Summary of key points, Kostas Glinos and panelists 




Day 2 - Wednesday, 26 January 2022 (All times are CET)
Session 5 - How generic and thematic EOSC services can add value to the RI community, Chair: Per Oster, CSC IT Center for Science Watch the recording
Present the latest developments and outputs on European, regional, thematic and transversal approaches from e-Infrastructure/EOSC thematic providers:
  • The EOSC platform– current status and future plans for an ecosystem of EOSC portals at EU, regional, thematic, personal levels – Klaas Wierenga, GÉANT & EOSC Future Download the presentation
  • Regional project: Isabel Campos, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) & EOSC Synergy  Download the presentation
  • The ELIXIR authentication and authorisation tool– Jonathan Tedds, ELIXIR Europe Download the presentation
  • A thematic marketplace: The SSH open marketplace, Franciska de Jong, CLARIN ERIC and SSHOC Download the presentation
  • Quality of metadata: The FAIRsFAIR FUJ-I tool, Robert Huber, University of Bremen & FAIRsFAIR Download the presentation 

Q&A – Summary of key points


Coffee Break

Session 6 - Feedback panel for providers (session 5): EOSC added value for thematic providers - Cross-fertilisation between thematic and generic providers, Chair: Ignacio Blanquer, Polytechnic University of Valencia & EOSC - A director Watch the recording
Format: Plenary with panel discussion and interactive tools for feedback 
Panel: Klaas Wierenga, Isabel Campos, Jonathan Tedds, Francisca de Jong, Robert Huber
Feedback from providers from both thematic and generic infrastructures on: 
- The connection of RIs (ESFRI and other world-class RIs) to EOSC and the added value of EOSC for the RI communities. I.e., what does EOSC bring to users of international RIs? (providers' perspective) (past-present)
- Bringing international RIs up to speed on Open Science and the FAIR policy agenda (past-present-future). (providers' perspective)
- Is the co-creation between providers and users of the EOSC vision presented by EOSC Future clear and well known? (present-future) (providers' perspective)
  • Introduction of the session by Ignacio Blanquer 
  • Feedback via on-line tools: a set of pre-defined questions** (see at the bottom of the page) is posed via on-line tools to both the audience and the panel in parallel 
  • Open discussion session: Users pose questions directly to panelists  
  • Summary of key points – Ignacio Blanquer and panelists


Session 7 - Summary and conclusions: 
Report from Sessions and further feedback from audience –Summary and conclusions Watch the recording
Feedback from audience on the event via on-line tools 


Predefined questions for potential EOSC end users

*Session 4: Feedback panel for users (Sessions 2-3)
A =Audience 

A1. As individual researcher, do you have a clear understanding of what is the vision behind EOSC, its main goals and its agenda for ‘Open Science and FAIR data’? 

A2. The EOSC vision towards end users presented in Session 3, including the plans of the EOSC Future project, goes in the right direction:
P2. As researchers, what is your end user vision towards EOSC and what would be your major recommendation towards achieving it? (medium term)

A3. The current state of EOSC platform implementation presented in Session 3 makes EOSC already attractive from a user perspective:
P3. What is your major recommendation towards the short-term implementation of the EOSC platform and to improve the engagement of users?

A4. EOSC can help ESFRI users to further engage in interdisciplinary research and in open science practices:
P4. What is your major recommendation towards the implementation of a federation of FAIR digital objects in Europe? (short term)

A5. New professional roles, skills and career paths in the field of open science practices, data/software production and curation are essential to cope with the digital transition:
P5. What main support do the researchers need to gain the necessary expertise (in managing research data in line with FAIR principles, etc.)? 

A6. Incentives and rewards will be necessary to onboard scientific communities to the ‘Open Science and FAIR agenda’ promoted by EOSC: 
P6. Should EOSC have an active role in collecting the relevant data to support the reform of research assessments in Europe?

A7. EOSC targets inclusiveness by ensuring that all research communities and researchers across Europe can profit from EOSC data and services: 
P7. How do we ensure that all researchers across Europe can benefit from EOSC? Will trade-offs between inclusiveness and minimum EOSC requirements be required? 

Predefined questions for current and potential future EOSC thematic providers

**Session 6 - Feedback panel for providers (session 5)
A =Audience 

A8. The added-value of EOSC for the thematic providers and international RIs is clear and strong
P8. What is the most important potential added-value of EOSC for thematic providers and what would be your major recommendation to achieve it?

A9. The cooperation between thematic providers and generic providers (such as GEANT, EGI, EUDAT, OpenAIRE) in the context of EOSC is effective. 
P9. What would you be your major recommendation to improve the cooperation?

A10. The role of the EOSC science clusters and other thematic clouds/portals and their work towards federation with EOSC and EOSC development is effective. 
P10. What would you be your major recommendation for thematic clusters/clouds?

A11. The contribution of ESFRI and other world-class RIs as driving the federation of thematic e-Infrastructure services and fostering Open Science practice in Europe in the development of EOSC is clear. 
P11. What would you be your major recommendation towards ESFRI and other world class RIs?

P12. What do you think are the current barriers in the ESFRI and other world class RIs (you work with) for adopting the Open Science paradigm?

P13. How should the EC and national funders help the ESFRI and other world class RIs stimulating the uptake of the Open Science paradigm?

A14. The role of national/regional initiatives/projects in the EOSC development is vital.
P14. What would be your major recommendation towards national/regional initiatives?

