ESFRI Workshop – Monitoring of RIs, periodic update of Landmarks, use of KPIs
Milan, Italy
19.11.2018 to 20.11.2018On November 19 and 20, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is organizing a workshop on monitoring of RIs, periodic update of Landmarks and use of KPIs, in Milan. The venue will be Palazzo delle Stelline, in Milan, Italy.
Drawing from the Pilot Periodic Review Exercise carried out with 4 Landmarks and considering EU Council Conclusions of 29 May 2018 on developing a common methodology for monitoring of RIs and on the European Open Science Cloud, the workshop aims in particular at addressing the need to develop a proper methodology for the periodic update on the State of Play of ESFRI Landmarks and to foster their long-term sustainability.
The event will be streamed LIVE on ESFRI youtube channel.
The rationale for the workshop is to:
- follow-up of ESFRI Pilot Periodic Review Exercise with 4 ESFRI Landmarks performed in 2017.
- build on the need to develop a methodology for periodic update of ESFRI Landmarks "State of Play", defining the periodicity and appropriate, flexible KPIs.
- explore how the monitoring of Research Infrastructures can support their sustainability, taking into account the results of the Long-Term Sustainability report.
These activities are fully in line with the Council Conclusions of the 29th May, which mention ESFRI as the strategic forum to develop a common methodology for monitoring Research Infrastructures, including KPIs to be adopted, on a voluntary basis, by the RIs and stress ESFRI role in the development of the EOSC.
The results of the workshop will feed into the activities of the ESFRI ad hoc Working Group on Monitoring of Research Infrastructures Performance, also in view of interacting with the European Commission High-Level Expert Group on assessment of the progress of ESFRI and other World Class Research Infrastructures towards implementation and long-term sustainability.
Please note that this an invitation-only event. Invited participants are kindly asked to register by October 21, 2018. Due to the limited number of seats available, participation is open to 1 representative per ESFRI National Delegation, Landmark or 2010 Project. For the other ESFRI Projects and for registrations after the deadline, participation might be accepted upon the availability of seats. EB members and SWG Chairs are kindly invited to participate.