ESFRI-EOSC Policy Workshop on "FAIR Data Productivity and Advanced Digitalization"
Note: The discussions and recommendations of the Workshop have been included in this document: FAIR Data productivity and advanced digitalization of research, available on Zenodo
The ESFRI-EOSC Task Force is organising a Policy Workshop on “FAIR Data Productivity and Advanced Digitalization”, on 23-24 January 2024, in Milan, Italy. The Workshop is aimed at identifying bottlenecks in the productivity of quality-assessed FAIR data and the impact of Artificial Intelligence on research.
The first goal of the workshop is to analyse the current situation and the perspectives in the productivity of FAIR data sets, with appropriate quality assessment and technical features to make them user- and machine-actionable for refinement of research results and for new research.
The second goal is to address the opportunities and implications of Artificial Intelligence in research, in connection with FAIR data (training of algorithms and FAIRification). These issues will be addressed through talks and roundtable discussions led by experts from ESFRI RIs and European projects in the AI landscape.
Please note that participation is available by-invitation only, and its acceptance implies in-person attendance.
Attendees will include the ESFRI-EOSC Task Force, EOSC Steering Board, representatives from the EC (DG-RTD, DG-CNECT), the EOSC-Association Board, ESFRI RIs, and ESFRI SWGs. The workshop is organised by the ESFRI-EOSC Task Force, with the support of the StR-ESFRI3 project.