RI Events
The CTLS 2025 Congress in Brno will bring together core facility administrators, managers, researchers, and professionals to discuss and collaborate on the vital role core facilities play in advancing scientific research. The...
Commission Launches Consultation on Access to Online Platform Data for ResearchersThe European Commission has opened a public consultation on the draft rules under the Digital Services Act (DSA), enabling vetted researchers to access data from large online platforms and search engines. This access will support research into systemic risks and platform risk mitigation efforts across the EU. The draft outlines procedures for data access, data formatting, and documentation requirements, as well as a new DSA data access portal to streamline... |
ESFRI 89th Forum Meeting Outcomes PublishedThe European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) held its 89th meeting on September 16-17, 2024, in Szeged, Hungary, home to the ESFRI Landmark, ELI-ALPS institute. The forum meeting was focused on discussions for the approval of the ESFRI Roadmap 2026 public guide and submission questionnaire, as well as interactive sessions on the sustainability of Research... |
An Interview with ESFRI Chair Jose Luis Martinez PenaDuring the 89th ESFRI Forum Meeting in Szeged, delegates had the opportunity to visit the ELI ALPS facility, where ESFRI Chair Jose Luis Martinez Pena provided valuable insights on the future of European Research Infrastructures. In an exclusive interview, Jose Luis Martinez Pena shared his vision for sustaining Europe’s scientific competitiveness, the role of ESFRI, and ELI's contribution to the global... |
ESFRI Roadmap Update 2026: Towards a Robust & Sustainable Ecosystem of European Research InfrastructuresIt is with great pleasure that ESFRI announces the beginning of the process that will lead to an updated version of its Roadmap, to be completed in 2026. To kick-start start this process, ESFRI organised an Infoday on 8 October 2024 in Brussels, where over 130 representatives of existing and prospective RIs, research policy makers, funders, and RI experts had the opportunity to get detailed information from ESFRI members about the... |