ESFRI Annual Report for 2016 is out!ESFRI 2106 Annual Report summarises ESFRI activities and results of the year. This report is published for transparent information on the activity of ESFRI to all interested stakeholders and the general public and it is in particular made available to the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament. The Report is not a strategy document, but provides an overview of the ESFRI activities and meetings –... |
ESFRI projects representatives participated at EOSC SummitOn 12 June, the Commission organised the European Open Science Cloud Summit (EOSC) Summit in Brussels. With more than 120 invited experts and key players in the European Open Science Cloud, the Summit was Europe’s moment of commitment to the European Open Science Cloud - as clearly highlighted by director-general Robert-Jan Smits during the day. It succeeded to mark a clear milestone in building the EOSC as an inclusive and sustainable open commons for Europe’s research and innovation system... |
e-IRG has published the new Roadmap 2016 as a next step towards the e-Infrastructure CommonsWith the aim to facilitate integration in the area of European e-Infrastructures and connected services, the e-Infrastructure Research Group (eIRG) has published its Roadmap 2016 which intends to define a clear route on how to evolve the European e-Infrastructure system further, and turn the vision of the e-Infrastructure Commons into reality for 2020. |
The 2nd Exchange of Experience Workshop: providing effective co-ordination on the Monitoring process of ESFRI 2008 and 2010 ProjectsThe 2nd ESFRI Exchange of Experience Workshop (Malaga Jan,18), has succeeded in providing a highly engaging exchange forum on the ESFRI Monitoring Process. The Workshop focused specifically on the monitoring of ESFRI 2008 and 2010 Projects, as well as the Pilot Review of 4 ESFRI Landmarks. Scientific leaders and managers of ESFRI Research Infrastructures, but also participants from the wider research community,... |