3.1 Landscape analysis of European Research Infrastructures
Landscape analysis of European Research Infrastructures
Key Messages
One of the key elements of an effective RI ecosystem is that the services, data and products offered by RIs are generally accessible based on the excellence-driven access principles, increasingly cross-disciplinarily interlinked, meet the needs of their scientific communities, and keep up to date with scientific progress. As more and more RIs on the ESFRI Roadmap become fully operational, the importance of ensuring that they follow these principles is growing. Various RI communities, from the same scientific areas and across disciplines, have in recent years started several integration activities of various, more or less formalised characters.
Landscape Analysis is a very important component of ESFRI work, but it is vital that it goes beyond a description of existing facilities and involves a more user-driven analysis focused on service offer and considering impact related to the broader political agendas. This would also allow promoting the use of European Research Infrastructures more broadly to researchers and industry at large. The interplay between regional (smart specialisation), national and European strategies should be more explicitly reflected in the Landscape Analysis.