Head of the Technical Department at EGI Foundation 

Gergely Sipos works for EGI, provider of the largest, publicly funded e-infrastructure of the World (>1,000,000 CPU cores and 700 PetaByte storage distributed at >350 institutes). Gergely leads the department that is responsible for service development, service delivery and support & training for users and suppliers. A key focus area for EGI is delivery of innovative services for international Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), research institutes and projects. This is achieved by federating cloud computing, big data analytics, HPC, Notebooks, Binder, security (federated authentication-authorization) and application services from national e-infrastructures. Since 2018 Gergely also contributes to the European Open Science Cloud initiative through various projects, most importantly those coordinated by him: EGI-ACE (EOSC Compute Platform) and iMagine (AI-powered image analytics for aquatic sciences). Gergely holds Ph.D in computer sciences and M.Sc in information technology with specialisation on management from the University of Miskolc, Hungary. Before joining EGI worked as a researcher at SZTAKI, Hungary, focussing on distributed middleware, workflow systems and collaborative editors.