ERIC Forum publishes new corporate brochure
The ERIC Forum has published its new corporate brochure aiming to introduce the general public to the ERIC community, its activities and scope. It is also targeted towards various ERIC Forum stakeholders such as policy makers, European Research Infrastructures, and Research communities in academia and industry. Through different sections, the brochure answers the following questions:
- What is a Research Infrastructure?
- What is an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium)?
- What is the ERIC landscape (by European Commission Implementing Decision, and by ESFRI cluster)?
- Which Research Infrastructures are in the pipeline to becoming ERICs?
- Which ERIC is in which EOSC cluster project?
- What is the ERIC Forum?
- What is the role of ERICs in the European Research Area?
The brochure also features an introduction of each ERIC, organized by ESFRI cluster.
To read the full publication, please download the PDF.