Director of Data and Computing Infrastructure Division at Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (Poland), Member of ESFRI DIGIT Group, e-IRG, Member of EOSC EB 
Dr. Norbert Meyer is the Director of Data and Computing Infrastructure Division at Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (Poland). His research interests concern e-infrastructure reliability, sustainability, business models, resource management in distributed environments, accounting, data management, technology of development graphical user interfaces and network security, mainly in the aspects of connecting independent, geographically distant domains. He is the member of ESFRI DIGIT group, e-IRG (e-Infrastructure Reflection Group), expert in the EuroHPC INFRAG (Infrastructure Advisory Group), coordinator of the EOSC Lot2 and Lot3 contracts (2024-2027).   

Norbert Meyer is the Polish coordinator national HPC activities (PRACE-LAB and PRACE-LAB2) and DATA related, e.g. National Data Storage (a distributed 0,7 ExaByte infrastructure for open data repositories, project positioned on the Polish RI Roadmap of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education).  Member of EOSC EB.