Swedish e-IRG Delegate, Professor at Chalmers University and Uppsala University 

Sverker Holmgren is a Professor of Scientific Computing at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. At Chalmers, Holmgren is the Director of Chalmers e-Commons, Chalmers´ digital research infrastructure. Holmgren has a long history of engaging in e- and data-infrastructures internationally, nationally and locally. Holmgren is a member of the ESFRI Implementation Group and a Swedish Delegate in the European e-Infrastructure Reflections Group (e-IRG) which he has also earlier chaired for four years. Besides leading the digital research infrastructure effort at Chalmers, he is currently a member of national reference groups and Boards on data management, open science and EOSC. He is also the Chalmers Delegate in the EOSC General Assembly.