Anastas Mishev is a professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. The focus of his research are infrastructures for collaborative computing and Open Science. His goal is to bring these systems closer to potential users, mainly research communities, so they can benefit from their full potential. Mishev has participated in the implementation of over 30 international projects targeting the development of open research infrastructures, with special focus on southeastern Europe. He is one of the founding members of the National Open Science Cloud Initiative in North Macedonia, As a former chairman of the Board of MARNet, the national research and education network in North Macedonia, he continues to serve as a GEANT General Assembly representative. Mishev is a former member of the EOSC Governance Board, and a member of the EOSC Association General Assembly, representing the Mandated Organisation for North Macedonia. He is also a member of the Governing Board of EuroHPC JU, and a representative in the EGI Council and the PRACE Assembly of Members.