Prof. Dr. Ana I. Proykova, Doctor Habil, a Full Professor for Atomic and Molecular Physics at the University of Sofia is the Head of the High Performance Computing Laboratory at the Sofia Tech Park and the Science Director of the newly established Centre of Excellence "Universities for ScieNce, Informatics and Technologies in the e-Society - UNITe" (2018-2023).
She coordinates the project EuroCC2 NCC (1.01.2023-31.12.2025, funded by the Digital Europe Program) at the University of Sofia . She leads the project EUMaster4HPC (1.01.2022-31.12.2025) funded by the EuroHPC JU (Horizon 2020). In her professional career she worked at universities around the world, including Belgium, Germany, Israel, Italy, the USA, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan. She has over 40 years of experience in the field of computational physics with achievements in phase transitions of low-dimensional systems, simulation techniques and data analysis using HPC technologies. She coordinated the EuroCC NCC (1.09.2020-31.12.2022, Horizon 2020) at the University of Sofia, the Work Package on Modeling and Simulation of the CoNanomet FP7 project; the WP Advancement in research e-infrastructure in the GATE H2020 project on Big Data for Smart Society (Twinning Phase 1). She leaded the projects "Parallel computations of processes in complex systems" (2018-2019), Task-based Parallel Applications in Containers Platforms (2019-2020).
She was a member of four European advisory groups (AG) for Horizon2020 Work Program 2014-2015, namely on the Future and Emerging Technologies, on Science With and For Society , on Gender, on International Cooperation. She is a member of the Program Committee of Research Infrastructures, (Horizon Europe) and a member of the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER - 2013-2026). She is the representative in the EOSC- Association (2020-2025). She was a member of the International Advisory Committee of the EOSC-Nordic Project (2020-2022). . Prof. Proykova is the Chair of the ESFRI Strategic Working Group on Data, Computing and Digital Research Infrastructures and Bulgarian delegate in the ESFRI Forum.
Publications: the list is available at