
ESS: Using survey data to understand the crisis
European Social Survey data collected in up to 38 countries across Europe every two years since 2002 remains freely available for anyone to access and analyse. In particular, consideration of responses to survey questions on happiness, loneliness, social relationships, health and wellbeing as well as trust in other people, government and institutions (including health services) is helpful for providing some context to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, 20 items asking people specifically about Coronavirus will be included in the ESS Round 10 (2020/21) questionnaire. Half of these questions will be selected for inclusion following a call for proposals open to all academics and researchers.

CLARIN: Multilingual research data and tools
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN) provides new research resources. One of the actions currently being prepared is a campaign aimed at extending the curated collections of parliamentary data sets from all over Europe with the records of recent debates on the Corona dynamics. The enhanced data can be the basis for comparative research into the ways in which public bodies have responded to the crisis across countries. Additionally, CLARIN will focus on supporting the development of tools for detecting mis- and disinformation to be applied to news sources and social media platforms. The uniqueness of these resources is that they are available in all European languages, allowing a multilingual approach to COVID-19 related research.

LIR: Research on COVID-19 impact on mental health
The Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research (LIR) provides a wide range resources and information about how to psychologically deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and how to stay mentally healthy, and participates in number of relative research studies. Amongst them, the large multilingual study DynaCORE-C and its longitudinal arm DynaCORE-L, which examine the psychological responses to the COVID-19 pandemic using anonymous online surveys. Other related studies, available only in German, include LORA-COVID, COSMO-Panel, COVID-19-Intensiv, and the upcoming online-training study Auf Kurs Bleiben (Stay on track).

Web-Survey: Living and Working in Coronavirus Times
The WageIndicator Foundation, a CLARIN ERIC collaborator, has launched a web survey "Living and Working in Coronavirus Times" in 140 countries in the national languages of these countries to discover what the Corona virus lockdown makes easier or tougher, and how the COVID-19 affects people's jobs, lives and mood. The data of the survey is freely available for non-commercial research, at the IDSC Research Data Center of IZA - Institute of Labor Economics, Bonn.

SSH COVID-19: A portal for Dutch Social Sciences and Humanities
The SSH COVID-19 portal, the expert portal for Dutch Social Sciences and Humanities, aims to consolidate and organize the SSH expertise across the Dutch universities in a publicly available national portal, ensuring fast and direct access to academic experts.

SHARE: Data on Europe’s older risk population
The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is ideally suited to examine how the high-risk group of the older individuals is coping with the health-related and socioeconomic impact of COVID-19. SHARE provides a multidisciplinary and cross-national panel database on the health and socioeconomic living conditions of about 140,000 individuals aged 50 or older in 27 European countries and Israel, and this every two years since 2004. SHARE is embedded in a worldwide network of harmonized ageing surveys. Hence, SHARE permits European and even worldwide comparisons of how well the healthcare and social systems have responded to the pandemic and which lessons should be drawn for the future.

DARIAH: Open call for proposals
DARIAH is launching a call for proposals under the bi-annual DARIAH Theme funding scheme that will seek specific responses to the pandemic that engage arts and humanities sources, approaches and insight, to ensure that research across all topics and areas in our community can continue. One of the areas of emphasis in this scheme will be on how we will collect, curate, preserve and interpret the heterogenous record of the experience of life and work in early 2020.

LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: Natural language Processing services
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ and its host institution – the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague - offers access to the Natural Language Processing services, for research devoted to fight the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and Covid-19 disease, for a time span of three months, starting 1st April 2020. Most of these services can be accessed through a REST API, without any authentication and/or authorization. The APIs allow to use the NLP tools directly from code or scripts, automating tasks such as analysis of social media posts in 80+ languages (cf. the tool "UDPipe"), translation to and from English to and from several EU languages and similar services.
Main contact: Jan Hajič – contact via email, Technical support: Milan Fučik – contact via email
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ is a joint distributed Czech national node of the pan-European CLARIN ERIC (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) and DARIAH ERIC (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) networks.