
ELIXIR-CZ: Life science data services
The Czech National Infrastructure for Biological Data (ELIXIR-CZ) provides a research infrastructure for the storage, processing and analysing data in the field of life sciences. ELIXIR-CZ has launched a website dedicated to COVID-19, where experts and the general public can find information on activities related to the fight against COVID-19. The website provides recommendations for data storage and sharing and the information on access to relevant data. ELIXIR-CZ specifically provides assistance in setting up the FAIR data principles, special software and analytics tools, and computing resources to help analyse data sets.

CESSDA: Social research data and analysis tools
The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) is a distributed social data research infrastructure providing a European Data Catalogue, data facilities at national Service Providers to archive, curate and access research data, and tools for experts: Controlled Vocabularies Manager, European Multilingual Thesaurus, European Question Bank. COVID-related topics in social data include social behaviour, work, health, travel, social norms & values, attitudes toward government measures, vaccination, etc.

SIB: Bioinformatics data services and analysis tools
The SIB Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics, Swiss node of ELIXIR and a partner of EMBL-EBI, undertakes a wide range of initiatives against SARS-Cov-2, providing data services and analysis tools that can help researchers answer the following questions:
- From where did the new coronavirus arise, and how did it move to humans?
- How is it spreading and evolving?
- How can we develop therapies to treat it?

RECETOX: Virtual drug screening software
RECETOX RI supports the Government of Czechia in managing the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19 by analysing, interpreting and modelling the available population data needed for development of population-protecting strategies and IT tools. RECETOX RI is also fighting the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19 by the virtual screening. The in-house software tool CaverDock can be applied for virtual screening of potential drugs against protein targets identified in the context of coronavirus pandemic. CaverDock has been developed during the last four years and is publicly available via the website.

LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: Natural language Processing services
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ and its host institution – the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague - offers access to the Natural Language Processing services, for research devoted to fight the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and Covid-19 disease, for a time span of three months, starting 1st April 2020. Most of these services can be accessed through a REST API, without any authentication and/or authorization. The APIs allow to use the NLP tools directly from code or scripts, automating tasks such as analysis of social media posts in 80+ languages (cf. the tool "UDPipe"), translation to and from English to and from several EU languages and similar services.
Main contact: Jan Hajič – contact via email, Technical support: Milan Fučik – contact via email
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ is a joint distributed Czech national node of the pan-European CLARIN ERIC (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) and DARIAH ERIC (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) networks.

ELIXIR: Life science data tools and resources
ELIXIR, the ESFRI Research Infrastructure for life science data, provides a range of services and resources, that can be used by researchers and consortia working on SARS-CoV-2 research via ELIXIR Nodes. ELIXIR has also initiated new community-driven initiatives (e.g. Hackathons) that help to open up and link COVID-19 data. As details become available, they will be published on the ELIXIR COVID-19 webpage linked below.