
NFFA-Europe: Fast track access to nanoscience facilities
NFFA-Europe offers the opportunity of submitting COVID-track proposals that will be assessed for feasibility and peer-evaluated one by one for Remote Transnational Access. COVID-track proposals may require access to all facilities for nanofabrication and nanoscale analysis on materials, nano-delivery systems of vaccins, models, numerical simulations or any directly relevant research that may need urgent access to NFFA-Europe resources.

ELI Beamlines: Fast track access for coronavirus-related research
The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI Beamlines) offers rapid access to the experimental cluster for advanced ultrafast optical spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, to support the investigation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus characteristics and the development of possible vaccine and treatments. More information about the ELI Beamlines scientific cluster can be found here. Proposals and experiments will be supported by Research Programme 4 for Applications in Molecular, Bio-medical and Material Science, jointly with the ELIBIO Project teams. More information on available support (bio and bio-chemical) labs is available here.

Euro-BioImaging: Open access to services
Biological and biomedical imaging technologies are essential for addressing many of the research questions related to Covid-19, from fundamental research at the molecular and cellular level to medical applications and diagnostics. Euro-BioImaging ERIC provides open access to imaging technologies, training and data services at its 21 Nodes, listed in a dedicated web page along with other related resources.

Czech BioImaging: Open Access support
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Research Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging (Czech-BioImaging), as the Czech national node to the Euro-BioImaging ERIC pan-European network, offers prioritised access to Czech-BioImaging facilities with no fees attached for COVID-19 relevant scientific projects, selected for implementation within the ongoing call for the Czech-BioImaging Open Access support (July 2020 – June 2021). Deadline for submitting applications is 30th April 2020. More information and the application rules can be found at Czech-BioImaging website.

ELECMI: Rapid access to microscopy facilities
In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, the Integrated Infrastructure for Electron Microscopy of Materials (ELECMI) provides rapid access to various instruments (HRTEM, including STEM, SEM, Cryogenic Dual Beam instrument, and associated techniques) for studies on materials characterisation, such as the analysis of textiles for Personal Protective Equipment or particles from filters.

ALBA Synchrotron: Rapid access to beamlines
ALBA Synchrotron assigns high priority to the projects related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The operations have stopped until 25 April, but the call is open, the proposals will be processed, and beam time will be provided as soon as it will be available. A “COVID-19 Rapid Access” call has been established, valid through the year 2020. Quick peer and safety review will be applied to the received proposals.

ESRF-EBS: Priority access to bio-imaging and structural biology facilities
The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Extremely Brilliant Source (ESRF-EBS), in collaboration with its EPN Science campus partners, ILL, EMBL, IBS, is ready to provide access to a unique combination of state-of-the-art facilities and common platforms for structural biology and bio-imaging for COVID-19 related research projects. This exceptional access will be granted with the aim to contribute to the international scientific effort to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, and the available facilities include its cryo-electron microscope and its structural biology beamlines.

CERIC-ERIC: Access to selected instruments
In order to facilitate the research on the COVID-19, CERIC has set up a dedicated Fast Track Access to a selected number of instruments. The dedicated Fast Track Access will allow to access the selected instruments for research related to the COVID-19, without the necessity to undergo the regular evaluation procedure, and be scheduled within one month from the submission of the proposal, based on the feasibility evaluation performed by the facility.

CCP: Priority access to Covid-19 research projects
Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP) generates rodent models related to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the Covid-19 virus infection (e.g. several serine protease mouse mutant lines). Available resources, services and support include generation of rodent disease models relevant for Covid-19 research, standard cryopreservation and archiving services, advanced secondary phenotyping pipelines relevant to lung inflammation and fibrosis, pre-clinical testing, metabolomics and MALDI imaging from tissue samples and biopsies. Project proposals can be submitted by email, and will be evaluated and conducted with the highest priority.
CCP is a member of INFRAFRONTIER and due to the comprehensive portfolio of its expertise, it has also become a member of international consortium IMPC.