
NFFA-Europe: Fast track access to nanoscience facilities
NFFA-Europe offers the opportunity of submitting COVID-track proposals that will be assessed for feasibility and peer-evaluated one by one for Remote Transnational Access. COVID-track proposals may require access to all facilities for nanofabrication and nanoscale analysis on materials, nano-delivery systems of vaccins, models, numerical simulations or any directly relevant research that may need urgent access to NFFA-Europe resources.

CIEMAT-PSA: Facilities for water analysis and disinfection
The Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA), a dependency of CIEMAT, incorporates a fully equipped laboratory of water sample analysis, with a microbiology laboratory specialized in water disinfection provided also with DNA analysis by Real time PCR. The CIEMAT-PSA is not operating at this moment, however it will be in a short notice.

CzechNanoLab: Nanostructures and nanomaterials services
CzechNanoLab provides open access to the equipment and services in nanotechnology and materials science. The services provided include testing of personal protective equipment (PPE) made of nanomaterials, e.g. analysis of nanofibre filters, chemical analysis of active nanoparticles etc. CzechNanoLab capacities are also offered for the synthesis of magnetic beads used in tests for SARS-CoV-2 presence. Moreover, a priority cost-free access for projects directly related to the research of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (e.g. development of microfluidic chips for RNA sequencing)will be provided. CzechNanoLab consists of two sites, the CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure (Brno), and the Laboratory of Nanostructures and Nanomaterials (LNSM, Prague).
CzechNanoLab is involved in pan-European research infrastructure EuroNanoLab, which is focused on nanofabrication technologies.

CATPRO: Experimental chemical facilities
CATPRO (Efficient Use of Energy Resources Using Catalytic Processes), a research infrastructure newly built within the UniCRE research and development centre, is focused on experimental chemistry with specialization on transfer of laboratory scientific research to industry. Implementation measures are using sophisticated pilot and test equipment. CATPRO has the potential, in the context of the events that are happening regarding the spread of Covid-19, to contribute to the use of experimental research pilot chemical facilities in developing means to mitigate the Covid-19 outbreak.

ILL: Rapid access to beam time
The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), plans to run 2 more cycles in 2020 which will constitute a significant opportunity to perform early research related to Covid-19 on many of our neutron scattering instruments. In addition to the instruments, there is access to deuteration facilities and shared biology and soft matter facilities with partner institutes on the EPN campus - the ESRF, EMBL and IBS. For rapid access to beam time, Director's Discretionary Time (for full experiments) and Easy Access (for short measurements) should be used.

ESS-DEMAX: Priority access
The European Spallation Source (ESS) Deuteration and Macromolecular Crystallisation Support Lab, DEMAX, is already functioning on a small scale and we can provide expertise, advice, and limited materials to support research to address the critical need to understand and shut down the coronavirus disease, COVID-19. ESS will prioritise requests for the production of deuterated proteins, DNA, and some types of small molecules such as detergents and lipids that are all potentially useful for neutron scattering studies of viral components. In addition, as experienced scientists in small angle scattering, chemistry, structural biology, reflectometry, and crystallography we can also assist with structural modeling and data analysis.

EU-OPENSCREEN: Access to pilot compound library
EU-OPENSCREEN and its partner sites are actively involved in the study of SARS-CoV-2, aiming to identify therapeutics and search for diagnostics. EU-OPENSCREEN provides a fast access track for scientist wishing to use their pilot compound library for their COVID-19 related research activities.

KM3NeT-LNS: Functional testing of fabrics for PPE
The hosting laboratory of the KM3NeT Infrastructure"Laboratori Nazionali del Sud" (LNS) of INFN, in collaboration with the University of Catania, has realized a laboratory for the verification of the functional qualities of fabrics intended for the manufacture of masks and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the prevention of contagion in the COVID-19 emergency. The ANTI_COVID-LAB laboratory will provide technical-scientific assistance to companies that may request to test fabrics to make masks and other medical devices according to the standards set by current regulations, by performing the characterization of the materials, their morphological analysis and will study the capability of the tissues to prevent the virus diffusion.

CERIC-ERIC: Access to selected instruments
In order to facilitate the research on the COVID-19, CERIC has set up a dedicated Fast Track Access to a selected number of instruments. The dedicated Fast Track Access will allow to access the selected instruments for research related to the COVID-19, without the necessity to undergo the regular evaluation procedure, and be scheduled within one month from the submission of the proposal, based on the feasibility evaluation performed by the facility.

Instruct-ERIC: Priority access to structural biology services
Instruct-ERIC is offering priority access to its structural biology services for research directly related to COVID-19. Priority access ensures a faster review of research proposals relating to COVID-19. In order to protect staff and users, physical visits to Instruct Centres have been suspended but it may be possible to undertake research remotely during the restricted access period, subject to individual Centre availability. In addition, Instruct-ERIC has compiled a list of resources for COVID-19 research, which may be of interest to the wider life science community. For enquiries relating to Instruct-ERIC services during the restricted access period, please contact the support office.